Tuesday 21 August 2012

Visiting Chocolate Cuckoo Clock Land........

Recently I ventured over to Lausanne in Switzerland to get a tattoo from Sailor Bit, the owner of Ethno Tattoo, one of Switzerland's best tattoo studios. Here's what happened.......
I had to fly from Manchester Airport with (Gr)EasyJet. I was a little bit apprehensive, as last time I flew by myself, I missed my flight back from Atlanta Georgia due to me being a bit of a dildo on occasion. That's another story, which if you buy me a drink I will tell you, you lucky people.
This was the weather when I left.....typical feckin' Manchester eh?

So all went well this time, I checked in with loads of time to spare, sat my stupid arse down on the seat, and admired the view of Eastbourne as we left the coast of Blighty.
As we approached Geneva airport, we were met with an Alpine storm that tossed the plane around a fair bit, but the pilot knew what he was doing it seems, and I was met at the airport by my friend Raphi Voirol. I was glad to see a friendly face, and once out of the airport, we were met with some more of the storm, even worse than Manchester rain! JEEZIZ!!

Next day was Monday, and after breakfast with Raphi's wife and children, we drove over to Lausanne. Bit wasn't there that day, but I took the time to look around the studio. It's on Rue Centrale, which used to be home to the world famous Leu Family studio before the building was demolished. Now, they're building some hideous concrete apartments where it was.

 Bit has done a lot of travelling, and the studio reminded me of a museum, some amazing things on the shelves, drawings pinned to the walls, an incredible shop. I decided to make a wee video, as I was mightily impressed. If you look closely, there are original drawings by Robert Hernandez, and a signed print by the father of  Biomech art (did I mention I like biomech?) H.R Giger. If you don't know those names, Google them, I guarantee you'll be impressed!
Well, I know that what I do in my life is of massive interest to you, and you're probably wondering "I wonder what Gerry decided to get tattooed on him this time? I shan't sleep until I know...."
Well, I'd always wanted a Japanese style dragon, and I had some space at the top of my right leg which would do the job nicely. I have a lot of work on my legs from various artists, and I was keen to get something from Sailor Bit, as we met a few years ago at the Evian Tattoo Convention, and I was blown away by his skill at Japanese style tattooing. I also met some of the other guys from the studio there and was flattered to be asked to tattoo Raphi and Virus.  They are all really friendly and funny guys, and their hospitality is unparallelled.Good times!!
Here's a small bit of film of Bit working on a young ladies backpiece......
Incidentally, we went for beers the night before the tattoo with Raphi and Lorenz, and this kind of eccentric guy at the next table starting talking some proper bollocks at us, trying to draw us into some debate I think? Anyway, Bit bamboozled him with a Jedi mind trick known as "completely confuse the guy by blocking everything he says with the words "NO DETAILS!!"  Class in a glass, it was piss funny.
Next day was...TATTOO DAY!!
So, Bit drew a dragon up for me, and after foolishly declining the offer of painkillers, with butterflies in my stomach, the tattoo began.....
This is the results of my ahem, experience.....
The stencil.....

The lines weren't as bad as I'd expected, but then the grey clouds went in, and it all started to go downhill.....
Bit's machines are tres sauvage!
Despite the look on my face at the end of this video, I was very happy with the results.  I realised it was going to be a tough one at this point, but I was determined to stick it out to the end. Would I make it? 
So, nowhere left to go but onward....
I just couldn't relax, I did all the shit I tell customers not to do, I was the worst, but I tried my best not to move. All I could think about was just keeping going and getting it done. I was gurning like a maniac! (WHIPLASH!)
 Customers revenge!!!
All of you who have been tattooed by me were there in spirit form, pointing and laughing! 
At least Bit was having fun! I was gripping onto my underwear so hard at one point I thought I was going to rip them off and run screaming and half naked down the road! 'KIN ELL! However, I kept my kecks on and prepared myself for the last part. I was having serious doubts about finishing it now, as there was still a way to go. I sucked it up and carried on.....
 Bit's 6 year old incredibly cute daughter Mylene came through from the back and lent me her teddy bear. At this point I was "Halber Mensch"! Lorenz was highly amused...By the way, I was only half doing this face for the camera. Only half.
The sad truth is, after 6 and a half hours with maybe half an hour, maybe an hour to go, I quit. I just couldn't do it anymore, I hit the wall and threw in the towel. Crestfallen, but relieved.
That was the hardest tattoo I've ever had, beating the over- the- knee tattoo by Sabine Gaffron I had a few years ago. I moaned and groaned like an old horse with dementia. 
The next day I felt as if I'd been out drinking Swish all night and then got in a fight with a telegraph pole.
Not good. Bit was totally cool about it, but I still felt bad about not finishing. But now at least I know my limits!
We arranged for me to get it finished at the Mondial de Tatouage in Paris next year, and this time I'll take some sodding painkillers, and EMLA cream!
So this is the final result.....


              Pretty fucking spectacular though I think, and well worth the pain. That shit ain't going nowhere! It's beautifully crisp and solid and just looks amazing. I'm really chuffed with it, and my trousers have been coming down at every available opportunity (EEK!!) to show my tattoo off!
Sometimes the hardest won things are the best! Thank you so much Bit, you rock!
Well, I had a couple of days left in sunny Suisse, so here's a few random photos. Can't wait to go back!
See you in Paris!
Here's some of  the guys from the studio....
Sailor Bit can take a fart in the face and still smile!
Raphael Voirol, Pote Seyler and client.

 Pote Seyler is an artist from the early 90's when tattooing was a lot smaller than it is now, whose work I admired when I first started getting into tattooing, mainly due to the Skin Shows books by Chris Wroblewski, which were one of the few books on tattooing you could get hold of at the time. Still banging the good shit out, I was pleased to meet him and be able to watch him work. 

Lorenz and Bit discussing finer points (GEDDIT?) with a client.   
A walk in the woods the next morning was most welcome. Mylene, Noelle (Bit's wife) and his dog Popeye came along.   
This was the view from Bit's house in the morning. Switzerland really is as beautiful as it looks. 

This is Popeye. Handsome Jack!
Some ace shit in Lausanne!

Some more ace shit in Lausanne!

SKULLS! Ace shit!

At Geneva airport. Wonder what that magazine's about? 
Swiss Gerry leads jetset lifestyle. FACT.

Right, well that about wraps it up for my visit to Switzerland. I had a fantastic time, everyone was really friendly and accommodating of my rubbish Francais! And an awesome tattoo to boot!
Big thanks to Sailor Bit, Raphael Voirol, Virus, Noelle, Mylene, Pote Seyler, Lorenz, David Gusanito, Herve, Benny, GeGe (apologies for the spelling !) and everyone else I met, sorry if I missed you out!
If you want to check out their website, here's the link, I recommend you do......
Here's a bit of film of the very pleasant flight back. Until I reached...AAAAGH!!! MANCHESTER!!!!!

Laters pertaters!