Thursday 5 September 2013

Genuine fake.

It's me again, grumbling about something. But I guess that's what you enjoy and also why you bother to read this.
So, what is it this time?
Well, in recent years, I've noticed distinct factions and uniforms becoming prevalent in TattooLand (tm). Natural, I mean, as primates we need group identification and to feel we belong. It's kind of weird though that tattooing is supposed to set us apart, it seems to be more about fitting in? I dunno......
Anyhoo,  that's not what I wanted to bitch about. In the last two or so years, there's been a style of tattooing that's starting to get on my fucking wick. The "fake folk art" that's part of traditional style work.
Like it's not enough to put a nice tattoo on, now you've got to make it look "vintage" or rad or whatever by drawing it badly so that it looks like it was done by some eccentric 1930's backwoods guy from Arkansas. When in truth it was done by some guy from a middle class background trying really hard to be interesting.  Probably with a big fuckoff beard, some 'esoteric' alchemical symbol tattooed under their eye and a taste for obscure doom metal.
Y'know, I love rough art. I love prison drawings, outsider art by asylum inmates, bad punk and metal record covers, shit like that, I love it because it's fucking raw, and genuine, and it's straight from either the heart or the anus, or both.
And tattooing is right in there, like Russian prison tattoos. That's some heavy shit, right?
The point is, that kind of art works on a visceral, gut level, but only because it's un self conscious and in it's context. Like if you see some drawing of a bat winged cock in the toilet of some fucking petrol station in the middle of Wales, that works because of the whole situation.
So when I see deliberately 'off' traditional tattoos that are wonky and have bad shading
or too much black or whatever, it seems like an affectation, like a pose, and I don't see why it's necessary to make a good idea look like shit because it's "authentic" or something. Hipster bullshit alert!
So, badly thought out rant over. What say you?
Laters pertaters.